
How to Identify 5 Common Lawn Diseases?

How to Identify 5 Common Lawn Diseases?

Common lawn diseases can make your lawn unsightly and can sometimes be a problem that is just beyond the homeowner’s capabilities. There are several types of lawn diseases out there, and it can be tough to spot them. The longer they go unchecked, the less effective your lawn treatments will be in fighting the spreading infection.  

Your lawn is an important part of your property, and it’s a big responsibility to keep it healthy. But how can you tell if there’s a problem? For instance, if your lawn is discolored, patchy, or contains dead spots this could be an indication of a lawn disease. There are many different lawn diseases that can cause these symptoms and it’s important to know what causes them. Here are five common lawn diseases that are important to identify and get professional assistance for the same. 

Brown Patch

Also known as brown spot or drought stress, brown patch is a common problem with most warm season grasses. It is one of the most common lawn diseases and is usually caused by too much moisture or shade. It is recognizable by medium sized brown patches (about 1 foot in diameter) that appear in early summer. The disease doesn’t spread rapidly or affect the entire lawn, but it can weaken the turf. And make it more vulnerable to other problems such as heat stress and drought. Moreover, the brown patch disease attacks St. Augustine grass, Bermuda grass and Centipede in humid weather. It causes the grass to become brittle and often kills the turf from the inside out. 

However, brown patch disease is preventable with an application of fungicide. And the best time to treat it is four to six weeks after the last spring frost date. 

Red Thread

Red Thread is one of the common lawn diseases that attacks cool season grass types, particularly the fine-leafed fescues. It looks bright red in color, like thin hairs sticking out of grass blades. Its dreaded reputation comes from its ability to spread quickly. And most significantly, the fact that it can survive for a long time if left untreated. It is often found in lawns with thin, patchy grass, or in areas with infertile soil. 

Snow Mold

Snow Mold is a fungal disease that can be harmful to your lawn, grass, and other plants. There are two types of molds that commonly grows when snow melts: pink snow mold and gray snow mold. Pink snow mold is much more common than its gray counterpart. 

Snow mold usually appears after a season where there was a lot of snow, particularly if it lasted for several weeks. If the soil is cool and wet and stays that way long enough, the mold starts to grow. And it may begin to damage your lawn. 

Summer Patch

Summer patch is a sure sign that summer has arrived. It is a fungal disease that attacks different kinds of roses. If you haven’t noticed this common lawn disease yet, you will soon. It’s not just a warm-weather problem, either. While the symptoms are more obvious during summer, this fungal disease can attack your grass year-round. It can fortunately be avoided or controlled with the right lawn care program. 

Rust Diseases

Rust disease often appears as a yellowish-brown patch on the grass. But if you look closely, you can spot orange-yellow spores on the leaves. Rust diseases usually appear in late summer and early fall, especially in shady or humid areas, with little air flow. The best way to prevent their spread is to control them often and early. 

Protect Your Lawn Against Common Diseases With Grass Gators

There are many lawn disease problems that most people face at one time or another. It can be hard to tell if you have a problem like summer patch or drought stress. So, the best first step is to talk with people who are experts in this field. Common lawn diseases are not always super easy to diagnose, especially the first time you notice them. Hence, don’t let your lawn get infected! At Grass Gators we will help you figure out what is wrong with your lawn. Learn about our all-season lawn care programs and services today!